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Happy New Year... from your quiet friend! Songwriter Jodie Elms introvert thoughts on wintering, rest, and wellbeing... (and the first single!...)

Jodie Elms

A few thoughts… Hello dear souls, and a belated Happy New Year to you. I hope that your start to 2025 is treating you kindly thus far. I haven’t been on social media very much the past six weeks…

My body and mind are very much in ‘wintering’ mode, and, as someone who’s system is 99% introvert (according to Myers Briggs), I receive powerful nourishment by stepping away from the colours and the speed of the online world. It’s been a time of family, reflection, being in the moment, slowing down, and quite frankly I could lose easily a couple of hours just gazing in silence at fairy lights on a tree! I wonder what nourishes you? What top's you up? Through my other work as a holistic voice coach and thearapeutic listener, I have come to deeply believe that we are all so wonderfully unique in the precise mixture of ingredients that we each require in order to feel topped-up energetically huh? What's your unique ballance? For this one - a quiet moment at the start of the day to nurture a cuppa, to gather my thoughts, connect with my waking consciousness serves me well; sitting with my bouzouki and seeing where my stream of imagination takes me; having time to sense the physical world around me, and my body... at home or in nature. All of these quieter things allow my nervous system to un-pack, my mind to be 'seen' by itself, and for my conscousness to tune-in to the endless swilring world of the numinous and the creative... the deep dark birthing space of Knowing, Ideas, Creation. What are the ingredients for your own Happy Recipe?...

As always with this one; the album is bubbling away in the kitchen, the eternal work in progress. I shall be releasing the first single in the next couple of months. You may have heard it already if you’ve seen me play live, it’s one of my first babies for this album, called ‘Glass houses’. More to come about that in the coming weeks. So please watch this space - your support means ever such a lot to me, so thank you.

May this New Year bring you all of your hearts dreams and desires.

Love & peace,

Jodie ✨

Jodie Elms singer and songwriter introvert thoughts on wellbeing

Songwriter Jodie Elms introvert thoughts.

Songwriter Jodie Elms intovert thoughts

fallen leaves with frost on the ground
Quiet reflections... gentle frost on fallen leaves.

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